
When can I make an appointment?

* * For availability, Please go back and  click on the home page and scroll down to see the available dates for scans.**

The best time to have a  scan is after 7 weeks and before 40 weeks. 3D 4D is not good before 10 weeks. It is easy to avoid seeing the gender of the baby if you do not want to know.

Many people have a 3D 4D scan early in the pregnancy around 14 to 16 weeks and then return around 28 to 36 weeks to see the baby almost fully grown with beautiful facial photos at this stage.

During the 14 to 30 week period you can see more of the baby including arms and legs and all the associated movements.

In the 30 to 39 week period you get lovely facial views, depending on the position of the baby.

I generally recommend the 25 to 35 weeks. Slim women are better before 34wks. Larger women are better between 30 and 36 weeks.

Please note that this service is not a Medicare diagnostic medical imaging procedure, and as such does not attract any rebates from Medicare or private health funds.

Phone for an appointment between 9am & 4pm

  • Adelaide